March 2016
SHIFT Charlotte Friday Intensive
Friday Night - Pre Conference Intensive We are thrilled to announce that Sonia Choquette; International Author, Speaker, and Spiritual Leader will be with us this year leading our Pre-Conference Intensive. 5:00 – 6:30pm Registration 5:30 - 6:00pm VIP Meet and Greet (the 40 VIP tix are sold out) 6:30 - 9:00pm Pre Conference Intensive: Ask Your Guides (Workshop Doors Open at 5:45) Please note our Friday program is a pre-conference intensive. The full conference with vending, experiences, readers, and other…
Find out more »April 2016
Certified Beginning Akashic Records Practitioner (2 Day Class)
Learn how to Read The Akashic Records! This class is on April 9th from 10:00am - 5:00pm and on April 10th from 12:00pm - 4:00pm. The Akashic Records are the archives of your soul and every thought, deed or action it has ever experienced. This class is for anyone curious about the records and what they can gain from opening them. You can take the class to start an Akashic Records Reading career or simply to learn how to open…
Find out more »May 2016
Certified Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner (2 Day Class)
Become an Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner! This class will take place on May 14 10:00 am – 5:00 pm and May 15 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Welcome Back to the Akashic Records! I am thrilled to share the next step in your Akashic education. I am now teaching Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner! This course will show you how to use the Akashic Records for energy healing, ancestral patterns and past lives. The Akashic Records are the archives of your soul and…
Find out more »September 2016
Certified Beginning Akashic Records Practitioner (2 Day Class)
Learn how to Read The Akashic Records! This class will take place from September 10 10:00 am – 5:00 pm and September 11 12:00 – 4:00 pm. The Akashic Records are the archives of your soul and every thought, deed or action it has ever experienced. This class is for anyone curious about the records and what they can gain from opening them. You can take the class to start an Akashic Records Reading career or simply to learn how to open…
Find out more »October 2016
Certified Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner (2 Day Class)
Become an Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner! This class will take place on October 22 10:00 am – 5:00 pm and October 23 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Welcome Back to the Akashic Records! I am thrilled to share the next step in your Akashic education. I am now teaching Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner! This course will show you how to use the Akashic Records for energy healing, ancestral patterns and past lives. The Akashic Records are the archives of your soul…
Find out more »November 2016
Certified Healing Through The Akashic Records Practitioner (2 Day Class)
Welcome to Healing Through The Akashic Records! This class will take place on November 12 from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm and November 13 from 10:00 pm – 6:00 pm. Learn how to use the Akashic Records to heal your sacred wounds and dissolve your relationship with limiting patterns and behaviors. I am now teaching the third class in the series, Healing Through the Akashic Records! I am excited to take you deeper into your Records for powerful transformation. The Akashic…
Find out more »March 2017
SHIFT Charlotte Friday Intensive
Ready, Set, ... SHIFT Presenting a Full Day Friday Pre-Conference Intensive with Denise Linn Friday March 24, 2017 The Ultimate Journey® In this experiential workshop embark on a powerful initiation to jump start your future. In no small way your life is the result of the inner beliefs and programming which are lodged within you. In this remarkable program, renowned expert Denise Linn helps you determine exactly what is limiting you and then helps you to dissolve your inner limitations…
Find out more »May 2017
How To Read Angel Oracle Cards
Learn how to read Angel Oracle Cards! Oracle Cards are an ancient and time-honored way to connect with God and your angels. See a hands-on demonstration explaining how to use these magical tools to personally receive unconditionally loving messages. Angel Oracle Cards are beautiful and magical and tons of fun to read! The Angels are standing by in happy anticipation just waiting to connect with you. They were created by God especially to love, comfort and support you as you…
Find out more »July 2017
Ahlara International Mind, Body, Spirit Expo
Join Me on July 22 at Ahlara International for a Wisdom and Wellness Experience. Along with 6 other readers and healers I will be offering 15 minute Akashic Records Reading for only $30.00. Ahlara International has amazing energy! It features a Spa, extensive crystal store, wonderful clothing store, and beautiful rooms for spiritual classes and readings. They hand pick their teachers and readers so an excellent experience is assured. Please call 704.662.0946 to schedule your individual appointments.
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